About Sweater and Moth Hole Repair

We provide quality knit repair service of cashmere, wool and other natural fiber items by 'reknitting'. This includes moth holes, pulled and loose threads, snags, runs, neck unraveling, burn holes, etc. 
Rather than mending, holes are reknit whenever possible. 

Reknitting is a particular skill, somewhat like reweaving. It is best done on natural fiber yarns, as synthetic fibers do not lend themselves to the reknitting process. Yarn is taken from the garment for an exact match to reknit all damaged stitches. This and experienced craftsmanship produces a superior repair that blends into the fabric of the garment.

NOTE: Please mark all damaged areas by placing tape or safety pins next to each hole.  This will insure that all repairs are done.  Please do not cover holes with tape.

2nd NOTE:  If the garment is in need of cleaning, it is best to have it cleaned before sending.  This is especially true if you believe there is moth damage or any holes are in a soiled area.  If there are concerns about a hole becoming larger with cleaning, simply baste a few circles around the hole with thread. We have no cleaning facility here.

Prices are determined by the particular knit and damage involved.

Small holes (1 broken thread), small snags, loose stitches can start as low as $25.00.

Pricing of moth hole repair depends greatly on the particular knit. Repairs the size of a pea on a medium weight knit usually run $30.00 to $50.00 /each. Damage in fine small gauge knits or those with a pattern or in ribbing will cost more.

Pricing of larger holes also varies greatly according to the knit and damage. It is best to send the item, for an exact price. 

Other types of repair such as minor snags, holes at the neck, loose threads, torn seams are not costly ($25.00 - $50.00) and can save a sweater. 

Ready to send your sweater? Great! We make it very easy. Use our Handy Form and Mailing Label. Simply print it out and fill it in with a pen to send with your garments. We will contact you soon after your knits are received with the exact cost and 'ready date'.  At that time you may pay by check, PayPal or credit card.

If after hearing the cost, you decide not to have an item repaired, we will understand and return it promptly for the cost of postage only. 

​We are here for you to answer any questions.
Email: knitalt @ hctc .com (remove spaces)
Phone: 360-490-0255 

Copyright 2000-2025 by Knit Alteration & Design All rights reserved. Though links are welcomed, no part of this website may be copied without written permission of the owner.

Knit Alteration & Design
Professional alteration and repair of better knit clothing.

Alteration and repair of these brand name knits:

Loro Piana
Dale Of Norway
White & Warren
Peruvian Connection
St. John Knits
Eileen Fisher
Neiman Marcus
Bullock & Jones
Ann Taylor
Alan Paine
Peter Millar
Abercrombe & Finch
Clan Douglas
N Peal
and many, many more!

MARCH 2025

Most items with minor damage are being returned within 2-3 months.

Items with several holes and/or alterations are being scheduled into
mid-summer 2025.

Please check out Sandy's Tips on the Home Page for ideas on caring for your knits!